Soundbath Healing Circle

Manifesting in high vibration

Friday January 3d

at 6.30 PM (90 min)

With Liv Elise Skjörstad and Ásta Arnardóttir

Price 4.900 - includes ceremonial cacau

Soundbath healing circle with Ásta and Liv Elise

  • Ceremonial Cacau

  • Inquiery

  • Voice journey

  • Soundhealing

We start the evening celebrating the new year with a delicious ceremonial cacau honouring our intention for 2025 and tuning into the wisdom of the heart.

Ásta leads into an exploration of the voice, a sound journey using the voice and images to soften and heal from the heart, activate our inner strength and let go of what is not needed. Humming and singing helps reduce stress, tone the vagus nerve, relax and rejuvenate.

Liv Elise leads a sound healing with crystal bowls and tuning forks. The high vibration puts you aligned with your bright positive intentions, attracting abundance and releasing love, kindness and compassion. You find a comfortable lying position with blankets and pillows and enjoy a deep rest and rejuvenation of the soundbath.

We finish the evening with chanting a mantra in harmony, elevating the energy and healing the mind. The word mantra comes from the word man which means mind and tra to protect. Mantra protects the mind and elevates the energy. When our energy is elevated it is easier to follow our heart and make the changes we want to make in our lives.

Ásta Arnardóttir is the owner of Yogavin and has been teaching yoga and meditation for 25 years. She has a background of transformational voicework in the theatre as well as in yoga practice. Ásta leads morning classes of yoga and sound in Yogavin, she is a founder member in the beloved Kirtanband Glimmer Mysterium and studied Yoga of Sound in with Russill Paul.

Liv Elise Skjörstad is passionate about giving good treatments, seeing what the body-mind needs to release stress, and finding the best way to do so by combining different methods to get the body into relaxation. She works with a variety of therapeautic modalities such as watsu, aquaticbodywork, massage, kinesiologi, reflexology, intuitiv behandling, healing, energywork, alkemybowls and soundhealing. She offers soundhealing in Yogavin.