Yoga Nidra djúpslökun 22. – 23. mars með Dr.Uma Dinsmore-Tuli og Nirlipta Tuli

Yoga Nidra djúpslökun 22. – 23. mars með Dr.Uma Dinsmore-Tuli og Nirlipta Tuli

Einstakt tækifæri til að hlúa að líkama og sál og læra djúpslökun undir handleiðslu reyndra kennara sem hafa þróað “Total Yoga Nidra” við mjög góðar undirtektir. Lögð verður áhersla á beina reynslu af djúpslökun, Yoga Nidra fræðin, kynntar mismunandi aðferðir inní djúpslökun sem hefur djúpstæð áhrif til heilunar, losar um streitu, bætir svefn, umbreytir neikvæðum hugsanamynstrum og skapar jafnvægi. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli og Nirlipta Tuli eru virtir og reyndir kennarar og það er einstakt tækifæri að fá þau hingað til lands með helgarnámskeið og Yoga Nidra Kennarnám í kjölfarið. Helgarnámskeiðið er grunnnámskeið og opið fyrir alla sem hafa áhuga.

NB ! Þeir sem fara í kennaranámið þurfa að hafa lokið grunnnámskeiðinu (helgarnámskeiðinu).

Helgarnámskeið 22. – 23. mars

laug. 10.00 – 18.00  og sunn 10.00 – 15.30

Verð 30.000

Skráning hjá Ástu

sími 862 6098


Total Yoga Nidra Foundation Course 22. – 23. mars

 with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli og Nirlipta Tuli

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli kneeling

Awaken your consciousness of sleep and dream through the tantrik practice of expanded awareness for lucid living. Become alive to the source of well-being, happiness and purpose in every dimension of life.

We understand yoga nidra to be the most transformative, potent and remarkably adaptive of all yoga practices. Yoga nidra is in fact not really a single practice, but rather an experience of altered states of consciousness, essentially meditative experiences which can be used therapeutically for healing, as well as to enhance creativity and productivity and to improve sleep and general health.

Our new two part yoga nidra training course has been developed by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli in response to feedback to their successful course which we have offered since 2010 which has trained over 100 yoga nidra teachers. The new two part course is intended both to widen access to the experience of yoga nidra by the addition of a foundation course, but also to deepen the personal practice of anyone with an interest in this remarkable aspect of yoga.

The Total Yoga Nidra Open Access Foundation Weekend is a self-contained and complete retreat style immersion (non-residential) open to anyone with an interest in experiencing Total Yoga Nidra. It is both a standalone weekend course that covers all the fundamentals of Total Yoga Nidra, as well as being a pre-requisite for moving on to the full Yoga Nidra teacher training that starts on Sept. 5th. 2014 in Iceland. The intention of this part of the course is to offer an accessible and profound immersion in the experience of Total Yoga Nidra, providing a perfect opportunity for those who have encountered other partial or limited forms of the practice to meet the full spectrum of approaches to yoga nidra.


What’s in the foundation course?

A combination of theory and practice to give you a sound foundation (or to deepen your existing foundation) of understanding about what yoga nidra is in the broadest sense, and how it works, together with plenty of live, responsive and practical experiences of a full range of yoga nidra. We will cover:

1: Background history and development of yoga nidra
2: Comparison of structures and approaches to yoga nidra
3: Brief overview of research into benefits and effects of yoga nidra
4: Philosophical framework of yoga nidra
5: Tips for self practice
6: Pitfalls for your own practice
7: Key postures from restorative yoga to use during yoga nidra
8: Parallels/ overlaps: allied practices eg. Vipassana, MBSR, mindfulness, autogenic training.
9: Introductory explorations to yoga nidra in relation to dream, sleep and awakenings to lucid dreaming and lucid living.
10: Yoga nidra and meditation (exploring pratyahara and dharana)
11:Yoga nidra and sankalpa (exploring goal setting and purpose)

The weekend comprises 10 contact teaching hours, plus optional personal listening homework of 20 minutes daily. If you also book onto the full Total Yoga Nidra teacher training will also receive a 30 minute individual consultation to create an individualised practice especially for you. The first new style Yoga Nidra teacher training in Iceland is planned to start 5. February 2014

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli was first introduced to yoga at the age of four, has been teaching yoga and meditation since 1986 and qualified as a yoga therapist in 1999. Read Uma Dinsmore-Tuli‘s full biography.

Nirlipta Tuli is a BWY accredited yoga teacher and clinical hypnotherapist and has taught all aspects of yoga nidra for over 15 years, both in group sessions and therapeutically to individuals. Read Nirlipta Tuli‘s full biography.

Are you eligible?

Open to anyone with an interest in practising yoga nidra. No teaching experience needed.


sími 862 6098



Yoga Nidra helgarnámskeið 22. – 23. mars

Yoga Nidra Kennaranám hefst 5. sept

Sjá nánari upplýsingar um kennaranámið


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Yogavin // Grensásvegi 16, 108 Reykjavík // // sími 8626098

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