Kvenorkan í yoga kynningarkvöld 22. mars kl. 19.00  með Dr.Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

Kvenorkan í yoga kynningarkvöld 22. mars kl. 19.00 með Dr.Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

í tilefni af útgáfu bókar sinnar “Yoni Shakti” mun Dr. Uma DInsmore-Tuli vera með kynningarkvöld og fjalla um kvenorkuna í yoga. FRÍTT OG ALLIR VELKOMNIR. Bókin verður seld á afslætti.

Women and yoga – a history and exploration – including Ten great wisdom goddesses and the source power:
Yoni Shakti can be translated as source power. My new book exists to deepen understanding of the source, the feminine roots of yoga practice, and to support the practice of yoga that honours and respects femininity, womb cycles and the deep cyclical wisdom of women’s cycles. At a wider level, this respectful honouring of women’s cycles is also an honouring of our mother, the earth, and so womb yoga practice can be seen as a radical practice of deep ecology. The talk focuses on the great Wisdom Goddesses and how they inform our practice of yoga and our lives as women. Each one of these powerful tantrik goddess forms resonates with a particular form of awareness. Each one of the great wisdom goddesses is explored in Yoni Shakti as a particular dimension of consciousness associated with different cycles of women’s lives. Images of the tantras will be shown, and there will be time for questions and answers.


Laugardagskvöld 22. mars kl. 19.00 – 21.00
Bolholt 4, 4. hæð


Bókin “Yoni Shakti” verður seld á tilboðsverði £25 (fullt verð £30).

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Yogavin // Grensásvegi 16, 108 Reykjavík // yoga@yogavin.is // sími 8626098

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