Krakkayoga kennaranám 23. – 25. ágúst

Krakkayoga kennaranám 23. – 25. ágúst

Little Flower Yoga hefur víðtaka reynslu af því að kenna börnum og unglingum yoga og hugleiðslu og kennaranámið gefur frábæran og skapandi grunn fyrir alla sem langar að hjálpa börnum og unglingum að vera besta útgáfan af sjálfum sér. Þetta er í sjöunda sinn sem að Yogavin býður uppá krakkayogakennaranám með Little flower yoga. Námið er viðurkennt af Yoga Alliance.

Þetta er skemmtilegur og skapandi leiðangur með heildræna nálgun og vellíðun iðkenda að leiðarljósi. Þátttakendur læra aðferðir og leiki sem stuðla að sjálfstrausti og jákvæðum tengslum, efla einbeitingu og styrkja líkamsvitund, hlúa að meðvitaðri öndun og slökun. Þátttakendur læra einnig að búa til nýja leiki og skapa nýja leiðangra með skapandi og kærleiksríka nærveru að leiðarljósi.

Ekki er nauðsynlegt að vera yogakennari til að útskrifast úr krakkayogakennaranáminu, námið hentar bæði foreldrum og kennurum, þerapistum og félagsráðgjöfum og öllum þeim sem hafa áhuga á skapandi meðvituðu starfi með börnum.

Abigil Wilber senior teacher at Little Flower Yoga kennir í Ágúst 2018

KENNT  í Yogavin

Föstudag  9:00 – 19:00
Laugardag  9:00 – 19:00
Sunnudag 9:00 – 19:00
Snemmskráning: $795
Fullt verð eftir það: $895

Námið fer fram á ensku og skráning er hjá Little Flower Yoga

This powerful training provides you with the understanding and tools you need to teach a well-rounded yoga and mindfulness class to children and teens ages 3 to 18.

We begin with an in-depth look at how the relationship between the brain, the body, and the nervous system affects child development. Then we explore the 5 Element framework of the Little Flower Yoga approach—connect, breathe, move, focus and relax—and learn how to create developmentally appropriate lesson plans using this structure.

We will also spend time on classroom and behavior management, with a focus on how to handle challenging behavior mindfully and effectively.

Guided by an experienced Little Flower Yoga Teacher who is actively teaching in schools, you will also learn:

  • How to make yoga poses accessible, safe, and engaging
  • Techniques for teaching breathwork to children
  • Mindfulness and meditation practices that enhance students’ capacity for emotional self-regulation, focus, and good decision making
  • Behavior management strategies that support relationship building and engaged learning
  • Successful strategies for working with schools
  • How to adapt lessons for different ages and abilities
  • Personal mindfulness and meditation practices
  • Guiding principles for teaching classes based on a compassionate understanding of students’ needs
  • Tools to create a physically and emotionally safe space for learning
  • The ethics of teaching yoga to children


This training also includes two 90 minute webinars, which should be completed before the in-person training.

  • Introduction to Little Flower Yoga and the Five Elements, taught by LFY founder Jennifer Cohen Harper
  • Building Connection with the Self and Others, taught by School Yoga Project director Mayuri Gonzalez.

This course may be taken as a stand alone training, or combined with Part Two to complete the live requirements for LFY Certification

LFY makes every effort to hold each workshop scheduled, however all trainings are subject to cancellation based on unmet minimum enrollment or unforeseen emergencies. Enrollment will be evaluated three weeks prior to training, and In the unlikely event of unmet minimum all participants will be notified right away. In the event of cancellation payment will be refunded in full.

Meet Your Trainer:


Abigail is a certified yoga instructor and lead teacher for LFY. She is a certified Empowerment workshop trainer, has additional training in breath, anatomy and movement with Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews, and has studied with Mindful Schools. Her true passion is to empower children and to support parents in empowering their children. Abby has many years of experience in working with typically developing children, as well as children who have special needs. She is also featured in GoNoodle’s Empower Tools videos.


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Yogavin // Grensásvegi 16, 108 Reykjavík // // sími 8626098

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