Krakkayoga kennaranám 8. – 10. júní

Krakkayoga kennaranám 8. – 10. júní

YOGA OG NÚVITUND fyrir krakka 3 – 18 ára með Mayuri Gonzalez frá Little Flower Yoga. Námið er viðurkennt af Yoga Allance.

Little Flower Yoga býður uppá krakkayogakennaranám í tveimur áföngum á Íslandi. Gott err að hafa lokið fyrri áfanga þegar sá síðari er tekinn.

Í seinni áfanga er farið dýpra í kennslufræðina og heildræna nálgun í kennslu yoga og núvitundar fyrir krakka og unglinga. Lögð er áhersla á að kennslan mæti líkamlegum, félagslegum og andlegum þörfum krakkanna og efli meðvitund um líkama, tilfinningar og huga.  Þetta er skemmtilegur og skapandi leiðangur með heildræna nálgun og vellíðun iðkenda að leiðarljósi. Þátttakendur læra aðferðir og leiki sem stuðla að sjálfstrausti og jákvæðum tengslum, efla einbeitingu og styrkja líkamsvitund, hlúa að meðvitaðri öndun og slökun. Þátttakendur læra einnig að búa til nýja leiki og skapa nýja leiðangra með skapandi og kærleiksríka nærveru að leiðarljósi.

Ekki er nauðsynlegt að vera yogakennari til að útskrifast úr krakkayogakennaranáminu, námið hentar bæði foreldrum og kennurum, þerapistum og félagsráðgjöfum og öllum þeim sem hafa áhuga á skapandi meðvituðu starfi með börnum.

KENNARI Mayuri Gonzalez senior teacher at Little Flower Yoga

KENNT 8. – 10.  júní  í Yogavin

Föstudag  8. júní 9:00 – 19:00
Laugardag 9. júní  9:00 – 19:00
Sunnudag 10. júní  9:00 – 19:00
Snemmskráning: $695 gildir til 15. apríl 2018
Fullt verð eftir það: $795

Námið fer fram á ensku og skráning er hjá Little Flower Yoga

This three day training intensive provides participants with a deeper understanding and tools needed to teach a well rounded class deliberately combining yoga and mindfulness in ways that are accessible, engaging and safe for children. We recommend training participants take the LFY Part One Training (Feb 16-19, 2018) before attending Part Two as the trainings and the information build upon each other.

Experience one of the most professional and comprehensive children’s yoga and mindfulness teacher training programs available, and learn to teach holistic classes that meets children’s physical, emotional, and social needs, from pre-school through high school.

Classes incorporate yoga and mindfulness activities that help children and youth connect to themselves and their community; access the power of their breath; develop focus and concentration; find strength, balance, and confidence through physical movement; recognize and regulate emotions; and learn to nurture themselves through relaxation. Training is taught from a trauma informed perspective, and creating a safe and accessible practice for all children regardless of circumstance is emphasized.   

Gain a greater understanding of the relationship between the brain, nervous system, and body, and how yoga and mindfulness can support effective integration and function. Explore the challenges of teaching in school environments, studios, and community spaces. Gain practical information about how to set up new classes, navigate relationships with schools, manage challenging behavior, serve the needs of diverse populations, and much more. You will leave this training with a deeper understanding of child development, the capacity and confidence to create lesson plans that meet children’s needs, and the knowledge to teach in a safe, engaging, and compassionate way.

This three day training combines Level Two-Three of the Little Flower Yoga certification program for a deeply connected and empowering experience, rich with opportunities for self-inquiry and personal practice.

Level 2: Teaching the Whole Child: Creativity, Compassion & Mindfulness

Level 3: Advancing Your Teaching and Expanding Your Reach

  • We welcome all participants who are interested in sharing the life skills of yoga and mindfulness with children and teens. You do not have to be a yoga instructor, or advanced practitioner, although some basic yoga experience is recommended. If you would like to discuss whether this training is appropriate for your experience and needs, please be in touch any time by emailing
  • Learn a clear, structured framework, based on our five element methodology, that will allow you to teach an integrated experience of yoga and mindfulness in any setting.
  • Learn from an organization with 12 years of experience successfully implementing programs for over 5000 students a week, where all trainers remain immersed in direct service.
  • Explore effective ways to partner with schools and sites in order to understand and meet the needs of students, teachers and administrators.
  • Study effective and compassionate classroom and behavior management practices designed to engage student’s cooperation and teach lifelong problem solving skills.
  • Yoga Alliance RCYT program, offering a 95 hour certification, which includes an online or live mentorship opportunity.
  • Invitation to the LFY Teacher Membership Program, which offers ongoing support and professional development as you build your career.

Little Flower Yoga is an RCYS (Registered Children’s Yoga School) through Yoga Alliance, and completion of this training along with LFY’s Chair Yoga and Trauma Informed trainings (which is offered online), plus an online mentorship program (register separately through LFY), and required reading and writing, meets Yoga Alliance requirements for 95 hour children’s program. Registration with Yoga Alliance is subject entirely to their policies, and requires having an additional 200 hour teacher training. We suggest reviewing their requirements directly as they may be subject to change. Those not interested in Yoga Alliance registration are still eligible for Little Flower Yoga Certification.

Course Hours:

Friday, June 8, 2018: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday, June 9 , 2018: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2018: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

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Yogavin // Grensásvegi 16, 108 Reykjavík // // sími 8626098

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