Tónheilun með Goldwing 30. ágúst kl. 19.00 frjáls framlög

Tónheilun með Goldwing 30. ágúst kl. 19.00 frjáls framlög

Verið hjartanlega velkomin í tónheilun, djúpnærandi leiðangur með Goldwing. Hún spilar á Englahörpu og Crystal Alchemy söngskálar sem gefa djúpa og nærandi slökun. Tónheilunin tekur einn og hálfan tíma og leiðir inná fínstillingu við þitt helga SJÁLF. Leiðangur inná við og allir velkomnir.

Miðvikudag 30. ágúst kl. 19.00 (90 mín)

Danakassi á staðnum / frjáls framlög

About the teacher:

Goldwing, world studied spiritualist, offers private and public teachings, healing, sound therapy, and empathic readings. She is a life-long practitioner of meditation, and has studied a myriad of spiritual arts, globally, for over 30 years. She is honored to serve in Iceland.


Take a journey to deeper states of healing relaxation on the wings of an Angelic Harp and Crystal Alchemy singing bowls. This one hour offering is designed to align you to the highest aspects of your sacred SELF. Come prepared to melt and journey within. No experience necessary. All are welcome.

Wednesday 30. august at 7 PM (90 mín)

Danabox will be there for energy exchange

About the teacher:
Goldwing, world studied spiritualist, offers private and public teachings, healing, sound therapy, and empathic readings. She is a life-long practitioner of meditation, and has studied a myriad of spiritual arts, globally, for over 30 years. She is honored to serve in Iceland.

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Yogavin // Grensásvegi 16, 108 Reykjavík // yoga@yogavin.is // sími 8626098

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